Intermolecular Interactions: New Challenges for ab initio Theory
to the "Intermolecular Interactions: New Challenges for ab initio Theory"
workshop web page. This 6-day workshop will bring together researchers
working on intermolecular interactions.
The workshop will take place in Telluride, Colorado,
in the period 6/25-7/02/06.
Malgorzata Szczesniak (Oakland University)
Krzysztof Szalewicz (University of Delaware)
The workshop is a part of the
Telluride Science Research Center 2006
series of meetings. The early registration deadline passed on March 31,
2006, but it is still possible to register after contacting the organizers.
The workshop will begin Sunday evening, June 25, with a brief organizational
meeting. Sessions will run from Monday morning through evening on Friday.
We plan to organize the meeting to leave half days free for hiking, mountain
biking, or other activities. We are hoping to organize an all-day hike or
other excursions of interest to the group on Saturday July 1.
Themes of the Workshop:
The "new challenges" include (but are not limited to):
- interaction energies of open-shell systems;
- interactions involving metals;
- coupled potential energy surfaces in the weak interaction region;
- role of spin-orbit contributions;
- extensions of symmetry-adapted perturbation theory;
- applications of density-functional theory;
- treatment of large molecules including biomolecules and nanoclusters.
Registered Participants:
Adams, William (Rutgers)
Alexander, Millard (Maryland)
Aquilanti, Vincenzo (Perugia)
Boldyrev, Alex (Utah State)
Chalasinski, Grzegorz (Warsaw)
Chu, Xi (Montana)
Groenenboom, Gerrit (Nijmegen)
Hernández, Ramón (UAEM, Mexico)
Hinde, Robert (Tennessee)
Jansen, Georg (Essen)
Jeziorski, Bogumil (Warsaw)
Kim, Kwang (Pohang, Korea)
Klos, Jacek (Maryland)
Krems, Roman (Vancouver)
Langreth, David (Rutgers)
Leforestier, Claude (Montpelier)
Moszynski, Robert (Warsaw)
Naduvalath, Balakrishnan (Nevada)
Patkowski, Konrad (Delaware)
Rajchel, Lukasz (Oakland)
Roncero, Octavio (Madrid)
Spirko, Vladimir (Prague)
Stone, Anthony (Cambridge)
Szalewicz, Krzysztof (Delaware)
Szczesniak, Maria (Oakland)
Tarakeshwar, P. (Seoul)
Thakkar, Ajit (New Brunswick)
van der Avoird, Ad (Nijmegen)
van Hemert, Marc (Leiden)
Volkov, Anatoliy (SUNY, Buffalo)
Wheatley, Richard (Nottingham)
Zuchowski, Piotr (Warsaw)
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