Visit UD’s undergraduate catalog for information on physics and astronomy programs, including requirements, course descriptions, and credit hours.
B.S. in Applied Physics – The B.A. in applied physics prepares students for either graduate study or professional work in science fields and education.
B.A. in Astronomy – The B.A. degree in physics with a concentration in astronomy is primarily intended for those who want to make astronomy their profession.
B.A. in Physics – The B.A. degree in physics is intended for students who have an interest in physics but have career goals outside science and engineering and seek a broader education.
B.S. in Physics – The B.S. degree in physics provides the basis, primarily in physics and mathematics, for those who are interested in a career in research or development in such fields as physics, biophysics, geophysics, medical physics, marine science, electrical engineering, nuclear engineering, and related fields.
B.S. in Physics, Astronomy/Astrophysics Concentration – The B.A. degree in physics with a concentration in astronomy is primarily intended for those who want to make astronomy their profession.
B.A. in Physics Education – The B.A. degree in physics education is intended for those who want to become high school physics teachers. The degree has a substantial education component and requires a semester of student teaching. To be eligible to student teach, physics education students must have a GPA of 2.75 in their physics major and an overall GPA of 2.5. They must also pass a teacher competency test as established by the University Council on Teacher Education.
Students who wish to prepare themselves to be certified teachers should consult the Center for Secondary Education or the faculty advisor Dr. Mark Akubo,