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PHYS 600 - Research and Presentation Skills
PHYS 601 - Introduction to Teaching Physics and Astronomy
PHYS 603 - Electricity and Magnetism I
PHYS 604 - Electricity and Magnetism II
PHYS 607 - Mathematical and Computer Algebra Methods in Physics
PHYS 610 - Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 616 - Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
PHYS 620 - Classical Mechanics II
PHYS 624 - Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 626 - Introduction to Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
PHYS 630 - Galaxies
PHYS 632 - Astrophysics
PHYS 633 - Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics
PHYS 634 - Physics of the Sun
PHYS 635 - Space Physics
PHYS 638 - Selected Topics in Physics
PHYS 639 - Selected Topics In Astrophysics
PHYS 644 - Elementary Particles and Big Bang Cosmology
PHYS 645 - Electronics for Scientists
PHYS 646 - Experimental Methods of Physics
PHYS 650 - Quantum Computation
PHYS 655 - Statistical Biophysics
PHYS 660 - Computational Methods of Physics
PHYS 661 - Data Science for Physical Scientists
PHYS 664 - Machine Learning for Time Series Analysis
PHYS 669 - Observational Astronomy
PHYS 699 - Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
PHYS 806 - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
PHYS 809 - Electrodynamics I
PHYS 810 - Electrodynamics II
PHYS 811 - Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 812 - Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 813 - Quantum Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 814 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 815 - Theory of Relativity
PHYS 820 - Advanced Classical Mechanics
PHYS 822 - Quantum Field Theory
PHYS 824 - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
PHYS 833 - Astrophysics of Compact Objects
PHYS 834 - High energy and particle astrophysics
PHYS 835 - Laboratory, Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
PHYS 838 - Advanced Treatment of Selected Topics
PHYS 861 - Introduction to Graduate Research
PHYS 862 - Graduate Research
PHYS 868 - Research
PHYS 869 - Master’s Thesis
PHYS 964 - Pre-Candidacy Study
PHYS 969 - Doctoral Dissertation
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