November 2007 Control Center (HQ) Schedule

HQ NOT Staffed Continuously November 2-16


Shift A Judi Provencal
Antonio Kanaan
Harry Shipman
Danny Childers


For ALL dates and times before, during, and after the prime November 2007 observing dates, phone contact with the control center should be sought in the following order:

(1) Control Center phone:   1 302 654 6407
               Alternate:   1 302 831 2197 
                     FAX:   1 302 831 1637 

(2) Judi Provencal's Office: 1 302 831 2197 
(3) Judi Provencal's email :
(4) Susan Thompson's email :
(5) Harry Shipman's email  :

For a complete list of phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses for the control center as well as participating observatories, see the November 2007 Contact Information page.

Send comments to wetmaster.