RA 02 49 27.48
DEC +32 51 13.3 Â
Temperature is 11290 K, log g=8.05
Reported Frequencies: 831 sec
Reported amplitudes are around 20 mma.
Finder Chart
In both images, the red arrow points to KUV. The black arrows indicate our preferred comparison stars. For telescopes with larger fields, please try to include the star marked by the black arrow as well. The image is 13.7x13.7 arcminutes.
Observing Instructions for KUV November 2007
Target: KUV02464+3239
RA: 02:49:27.48
DEC: +32:51:13.3
Epoch: 2000
There will not be a complete headquarters for this run,since this started out as just a low key campaign. However, Antonio is coming to Delaware, so we will be trying to keep up with the data reduction and provide some feedback on the website. So please send send email to darcdelaware@gmail.com to give us an email contact and to let us know when you are observing and when we can expect data. Please be sure to check your clock synchronization throughout the run.
We have two options available for data upload. First, the website has a data upload page. It can be found at http://www.physics.udel.edu/darc/archives.html. Click on "DATA UPLOAD here". You will be queried for a username and password. I will be sending the username and password around to observers. If you haven't heard from me, please send an email to ask for the password. This webpage is set up to upload large, compressed tar files. Please be patient, as it does not have a progress monitor and the upload can take some time for large files. A message will be displayed when the transfer is complete, or if the transfer is unsuccessful.
As a second option, data may be uploaded directly to daedalus.physics.udel.edu ( If you prefer this option, please request the user account and password. .Please cd to "incoming" , make a directory for your data, and upload your data there. If possible,please up load your raw images.
Contact during run:
Please let us know if your site is clear and you are observing. Also, if any problems/questions arise and we can help, don't hesistate to ask.
Additional contacts (please use darcdelaware first!)
Judi Provencal email:jlp@udel.edu
Susan Thompson email:sthomp@udel.edu
Harry Shipman email:harrys@udel.edu
Please do a clock check each night before taking data and verify your time.Check your clock visually as often as possible during each observing run. You can check your time against the USNO Java Clock(www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?UTC/s/o/java). If your clock shows a drift during the night, include this information in your observing logs, and send email to one of the contact people so it can be accounted for in the data reduction.
CCD Observers:
Normal Calibrations:
Bias: Take approximately 10 bias frames (zerotimeexposures) at the beginning of each night, and again at the end of the night. We would like to look for drifts inbias during the night due t to temperature variations.
Take approximately 10 darkframes at the beginning of each night. The dark frames do not have to match the exposure times of your images. Longer dark frames can give a better idea of the dark count per second and can be scaled to the exposure time of your observations.
Domeflats: If you choose to do dome flats, please take about 50 flatfield images per night. Choose an exposure time that fills your CCD to half its saturation level, but is long enough that shutter opening speed is negligible.
SkyFlats: If you take skyflats, take as many as possible in the time you have.Use a high elevation field away from the setting sun. Skyflats are preferable because the light follows the same optical path as the starlight.
Data Observations:
- Exposure time:
- For large telescopes, choose an exposure time such that the resulting image does not approach the saturation level of your CCD.
- It is important that the total cycle time be significantly shorter than the pulsation periods of KUV 02464+3239..
- For large telescopes, bear in mind that one goal is to obtain a light curve of very high signal to noise for Mike Montgomery’s light curve analysis.
- For smaller telescopes, we prefer either 5 or 10 second integrations.
- CCD binning: I
- If appropriate, bin your CCD to decrease readout time.
- Be sure that the star images still fill an adequate number of summed pixels, and there is sufficient area for sky measurements.
- Again, it is necessary that the complete cycle time (exposure + readout) be significantly less than the pulsation period of the object.
- Filters:
- Where possible, please use the new S8612 filters (or BG40) filter with your CCD.
- If neither is available, please use no filter at all. In this case, we will require your CCD’s quantum efficiency versus wavelength.
- Shutter timings
- if possible, please record the time delay between the time your computer thinks your shutter opens and the time you actually hear it open. This may be done simply by listening for the shutter while looking at a clock. The delay may be as much as a few tenths of a second. We are looking into the significance of this delay for our data reductions.
PMT Observers:
PMT observations should follow earlier WET precedence.
- Integration time:
- Where possible, choose a 10 second integration time.
- For larger telescopes, bear in mind that one goal is to obtain a light curve of very high signal to noise for Mike Montgomery’s light curve analysis.
- Sky calibrations:
- Sky calibrations will depend on the PMT instrument.
- Observers with 3 channel photometers should observe sky in all three channels at the beginning and end of each night. This will allow for cross calibration of the three channels.
- Observers with 2 channel photometers should observe a comparison star with channel 2, and move the telescope occasionally to observe sky in all channels.
- Avoid strictly periodic sky measurements.
- Approximately 5 good sky points should be obtained. Long sky observations are not required.
- Record the aperture size being used, and make notes of any aperture changes during each night.
- Try to use the same comparison star each night. Record the x and y offsets in your log so we can determine which star you used, if needed.
We are setup to receive actual images from each site during the run. For CCD observers, we would appreciate if you send us the raw frames, along with your calibration frames. PMT data should be sent in XQED format. This is considered a last resort for CCD observations. Please consult wet.physics.iastate.edu/Tools/xqed/format.html for details of the XQED format. Don't forget to include your logfiles, so we know about clouds and any other issues.
If you would like a pdf version of these instructions, click here: observing.pdf