
​Welcome to the department of

Physics & Astronomy



Out-of-this-world leadership

Junior TJ Tomaszewski leads student team making Delaware history in space

Performance under pressure

UD researchers and collaborators explore how deep-sea animals perform under pressure

Future leaders and innovators

12 UD students, alumni awarded 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
UD physicist Frank Schroeder shovels a trench for cables leading to a radio antenna he deployed at the South Pole.

​Data From the Cosmos​

In summer 2021, data gathered by the the world’s largest observatory, IceCube, provided a group of 16 undergraduate and graduate students from UD and five other institutions with the opportunity to contribute to research on neutrinos, high-energy subatomic particles that speed through space. The students, most on the UD campus and a few working remotely, used supercomputers to analyze data from IceCube as they developed their own research and computer skills.​

Read the UDaily a​rticle